the soundcloud works. quit hiding the album and release the shit to the inter-verse freebie style so people will know who you are.
i know you spent buckoo bucks and it seems backward but times have changed and consider it an investment instead of an expense and gain a shit ton of fans.
There's only so many of the same 100 faces you can pack into a club in san diego. you guys rule, let everyone else know.
the soundcloud works. quit hiding the album and release the shit to the inter-verse freebie style so people will know who you are.
i know you spent buckoo bucks and it seems backward but times have changed and consider it an investment instead of an expense and gain a shit ton of fans.
There's only so many of the same 100 faces you can pack into a club in san diego. you guys rule, let everyone else know.
i second christopher. like the cover, lover.
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