Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ghostface vs Madvillian

First up, our old friend Ghostface takes time away from getting his helmet buffed to bring us his take on speed racer:

Now, a repost but it's worth it...this video is definitely superior, but is the track?

Who emerges the victor? I say Madvillian.
Fun Fact- MF Doom procduced some tracks on Ghostface's Fishscale.


Rickles said...

I like em both. but ill go with ghostface on this one. its more hooky.

Is that gza on the 1st verse?

I dont have any mf doom or gza for that matter. so one IM me that stuff!

Herbert Frundle IV said...

ghostface wins, better in everyway. MF is on par with J. Dilla to me, inspirational on the very small level, but overall unlistenable to people that aren't personally making beats.

To be fair, i own like 5 dilla solo's, he gave his best work as it should be. Producers are best at producing, maybe Kanye breaks that mold and even he's been blowing it overall on multiple levels. First album is still the best, and my faves are where he kept his mouth shut and made same amazing shit for other people, P.Diddy is worse, but kanye's creeping on him.

Rickles, MF Doom and Quasimoto, etc is standard for your level so get it, i'll give, and Gza is the shit so hop on that boat too.

I'm probably the only person out of 5 that isn't a wu fan and Gza's newest pro tools is the shit, on par with the old school shit the same as Ghostface's fishscale and the follow up.

Do more homework. You'll be rewarded.