Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Of Montreal's Kevin Barnes = Chunky in disguise?

You know something special is going on when even Mike V's new musical horizons (not a diss V I'm excited your excited about discovering new shit) have hooked onto Of Montreal, as have we all.

Coming across a Rolling Stone pete had, I was dismayed to find out all the hype coming from chunks was for his own band. Somewhere in between having babies and being chunks, he's been skirting off into the woods to wear make-up and lay naked in the leaves.

I like, but next time just tell us the truth.

1 comment:

Joe Torre said...

I understand it's not a diss but even if it was I'd be okay with it.

I stuck my nose up to an entire world of music and for what?

Now I'm a sponge bob square pants if u taste what I'm cooking. Lots to hear so help a danger brother out

Give me, give me, more, give me, more, give me, give me, more
=== B. Spears