Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Albums '08 Review Pt. 1- Self Titled

Debate Fodder after the jump.

I think i'll be looking back on 2008 as the year i finally managed to get my music collection (mostly) under control. I'd never been all that good at taking care of or keeping up with my CD's, so the move onto my first laptop two years ago was the first step towards having everything stored and under control. of course, the problem with the laptop was that it wasn't especailly portable or roomy, so my collection stayed pretty small, so much so that until late last year the whole of it was less than 30 gigabytes (so that it'd fit on my iPod).

I guess three major things happend to change my music listening habits and blow up the size of my libary this year:

cuZine- working at cuizine they let me call more or less all the shots on music, which was pretty fucking awesome. But with an audience i felt obliged to try to keep things fresh, and my iPod got dull pertty fast.

external hard drive- i bought this so i could start adding music to my libaray without worrying about space, and because the portability let my quickly absorb music from other members of the Crew.

my desktop computer- purchased second hand from jason with the express purpose of being an always on music server for my apartment. it's the front end to my stereo at home and where i do all of my music downloading/exchanging/organizing.

So it's been a big year, and trying to cover all the music i've been through this year would take forever. So i'm going to play the "Best Albums of 2008" game. Mostly. This is entry one.

Self Titled Records

When making my list of '08 albums i enjoyed, i noticed that a large number of them were self titled, and upon closer inspection, that all of these self titled albums were debut alubms (most were, however, preceded by ep's and whatnot.) Anyway, the contenders were:

Little Joy - Little Joy
Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles
Black Ghosts - Black Ghosts
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Hercules and Love Affair - Hercules and Love Affair

All great and disticntly diffrent albums- little joy is breezy island pop; fleet foxes is folksy and yet somehow disturbingly modern; Black Ghosts are UK elcectropop: Hercules and Love Affair is fresh new york dance record with callbacks to disco, and Crystal Castles is from the fucking future.

We all know i love science fiction, so-

Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles: Best Eponymous Debut.

Seriously, this record was sent back, terminator styled: naked, and in a flash of blue light. Crystal Castles finally cashes the check that Kid A wrote seven years ago. Propulsive, dark, catchy, inscrutable. And who knew all noisy 8-bit electronics needed to make them bang was floor-shaking bass hits?

Favorite track- Vanished. Debate.
Ideally i would have a video for vanished, but one does not exist. except this video for crimewave in proxy:

bonus entry!
Foals - Antidotes
Technically disqaulified for not being self titled, though it is the english band's debut record. Modern, alot of potental. hopefully will not dissapoint with a follow up.

Next entry will cover the breakthrough new albums from previously low profile artist, plus best new albums from established artists. Last Entry will cover best overall album of 2008 plus let downs and holdeovers from 2007. Get ready, sons!


Rickles said...

The Foals album hit me the hardest. Then probably Hercules.
Fleet Foxes was on my Ipod before an exam yesterday and it really helped.

The Crystal Castles was to far out for me. Really only a couple of the tracks connected.

I dont have Little Joy. someone should hook a brother up.

Rickles said...

What about Vampire Weekend?