Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cut Copy Vs. Hercules for hot new chunky jam supremacy

Athene is most certainly the jam, though lights and music makes it case...

I'm taking the first one. Someone tell me diffrent.


Rickles said...

im taking the 2nd one. 1st the video is alot better what is that Paparazzi shit. 2nd Hercules has about 3 other songs that are better. 3rd i never heard of cut copy so it was a pleasant surprise.

Herbert Frundle IV said...

#2 definitely. track one is fantastic in execution of the traditional throwback approach, the second has a better mix of newer elements. feels like they're actually adding something to the mix enough to focus on the song, as opposed to the first just being a solid addition to a playlist for a chill party.

both great though. cut copy's got it.

dRchunkerton said...

yeah i think you're both right. the video for the first one is just some youtube shit, so i wasn't even counting that, but the cut copy video is cool.

upon further listening i'd have to agree with chris's assesment, though ultimately the proof is right there in the songs- i just hadn't spun cut copy enough yet.

I dissagree with rick on his third point- athene is second only to blind maybe. tell me diffrent.

btw, ricky you should download that cut copy, if you haven't already. it's hot.