Saturday, August 23, 2008

serious as cancer

be real. you know you like this shit. chris, i'm looking at you esp.

or maybe you prefer this, apparently by a completely diffrent group.


Herbert Frundle IV said...

this shit is awesome. completely over the top epic, and you know the second it starts what song it is.

i enjoy the fact that songs like these that are supposed to be disposable club fodder can turn into something way more than that, and keep people moving and grooving for years. the last one like this that i can remember really sticking for longer than a year was that Cher Believe song.

sooo cheezy, and it puts a smile to my face evertime.

who doesn't like this?

Rickles said...

if you go 2 a gay club & they don't play this then they didnt do their job.

i like the 2nd 1 better