Saturday, November 28, 2009

oh my!!!?!

I'd like to remind everyone, major lazer is now 3 for 3 on videos.

just in case it's not painfully obvious, the video was directed by eric warheim.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Prayer by William Burroughs

On a lighter note, we're all spending a nice day off with friends and family, drinking beers and liquor and setting the kitchen on fire.
Hope everyone is safe and full of good food and enjoying the company of loved ones.
Best wishes,

Monday, November 23, 2009

Best Site of the Week

Tittay Citay. For the fellas. Good, clean, artistic fun. Okay, not clean. But no D.P. or ATM's either. Refreshing change for a bit.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Toro Y Moi - Causers of This

 Brand New. Growing into alot more Dilla shit. Hesitant about that aspect, but it's great nonetheless.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

if a baby waves at you, you better wave back

I want to go on vacation, and i want it to be this:

Monday, November 16, 2009

Boogie Boarder - Pizza Hero

Mostly instrumental awesome rock. Enjoy.

Girls- ATL Feb 2010

Show is at the Earl, Friday feb 5 2010. I'm definetly going to make this one. Anyone else interested?

UPDATED: Diffrent video, much better.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Put the begining of your post here

and if it's long the rest here.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Awesome- Super Space Adventure

Circa 2006, maybe?:

Glimpo was running out of time. The barbados crystals on his Rum Gun were no longer delviering maximum flavor, and with his weapon lacking in robustness, he was sure to succumb to the forces of evil. "Fuck" he said, "I planned inadequetly!" It would be three earth hours before his Crew would return to his rescue. Date rape was looking like an option- albeit not a very funny one.

"No, no," thought Glimpo, tossing his now-useless Rum Gun aside like a torn contraceptive, "I need to save all these drugs for myself. Being selfish is ALL I HAVE." Glancing from fat girl to fat girl he cursed rudely at thier increasing attractiveness. Then his eye was caught by a beautiful alien bitch. Glimpo used his Electro- Bar Napkin to fashion the following crude note:


Thursday, November 12, 2009

BriTunes, yes BriTunes
Brian Williams, of I replaced (and was handpicked by the greatest suckup to the greatest generation) Tom Brokaw fame, was recently on a radio show that I like to listen to and it was brought up that he has a music blog called, yes as the title suggests, BriTunes.

And you may be nearly as surprised as I was to learn that he has pretty excellent taste in music. This is his first interview on the BriTunes website, which also happens to be one of my current favorite bands, Deer Tick. For those not familar, it's a nice raspy-voiced folk-punk-indie kind of vibe, yes that description was terrible. This is about their new album, Born on Flag Day, but their first album is much better in my opinion. It's called War Elephant, pick it up fools.

P.S. I'm sorry about the linkage, I couldn't get this video to embed for some reason, anyways, enjoy. And also, did you know that in a recent survey 22% of men now include XOXO in their text message sign-offs to other male friends. So in the spirit of homosexual one-upmanship, I promise all of you handjobs the next time I see you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Post Rock Madness

Never In My Dreams...

did I think i would not only like, but promote a Me'Shell NdegeOcello album. From Van Morrison duets with John Mellencamp, to cheesy solo radio singles. No, no, no.

Then comes this. Granted, I'm not familiar at all with her body of work, but I had no reason to believe she could put out an album that sounds EXACTLY like Sade partying with T.V. on the Radio, and have it be every bit as good as that sounds typed out. It's a mindfuck and it makes me super happy. Enjoy.

Bottin - Horror Disco

 Instant heavy rotation. Sounds like it's named. Nuff Said.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Disumbrationalism Sweeps the Art World

"I got more publicity from this little joke, which had occupied me no more than an hour a year during the three years I was engaged in it, than from all the serious work I ever did over many decades." -Paul Jordan-Smith

The merit of art, be it music, film, painting, literature, etc, is of course purely subjective. Being a product of culture, the nature of what makes art appealing is deeply routed in what's around you. In the grand scheme of things, almost nothing seperates Radiohead and Nickelback, but in our deep cultural immersion they are worlds apart.

So what happens when someone plays a trick on the culture? In 1924 Pavel Jerdanowich swept the art world with works such as "Exaltation":

The catch was Jerdanowich wasn't real. He was a man named Paul Jordan-Smith, who was a little miffed at art critics for dissing his wife's realistic still life paintings. So he spent half an hour bullshitting the above painting, and then took this awesome picture of himself:

After submitting the painting, photo, and a fake bio thru art world channels, he quickly found himself to be critically acclaimed, so he bullshitted a series of increasing amatuerish and bizzare paintings. Jordan-Smith grew tired of the joke in 1927, and confessed to the hoax. This caused uproar in the art world, with some critics who had praised him claiming that they weren't wrong, but that Jordan-Smith simply posssed genius all along, and was unaware of it.

Of course this was just the critics trying not to look stupid, but maybe in a way they were right. Through his keen satire of the art world, Jordan-Smith actually managed to make art with cultural impact, and is remembered for it to this day.

Also, the awesomeness of this painting is hard to argue with:

Disumbrationist School of Painting: A Hoax that Emabarassed the Art World

Monday, November 2, 2009