Sunday, July 19, 2009

TTW- one couch, two ways

Stray observations:

-Ice pops- so it's summer, right?

-It's interesting to see how far rick's look has evolved in the last 8 years. Har. Also, Vee looks like he's audtioning to be a weldon.

-Apparently at some point i owned a Led Zeppelin black light poster. I have to believe, for me, that this was a purchase made when i was very, very high.

Okay, i'm saying this pic hails from august 2001. Does the below pic precede or follow?

I say later, maybe october of the same year. Peter's wearing long pants and shirt, and the place looks a little more ramshackle. On the other hand, peter is known for wearing season inappropriate garb, and the poster arrangement is weirdly different.

Why the blues brothers for devo? strange times. Meeting people that age now, i wonder, "where we like that?" Fuck no. We were cooler.

BONUS: i do remember the second picture being taken, and that the guy under peter was not happy about what was happening. He was a friend of a friend, and a little upset by us, so peter went ahead and sealed the deal by jumping on him for a kiss.
It was a wonderful moment.

1 comment:

Rickles said...

Pete is always the first to attack the suckers. Bravo to you sir.

im a time traveler that why always look the same. it was only eight years in your time.