Saturday, February 9, 2008

Benny Lava

If pop music will adopt an industry wide lyrical style like this I swear I will pay for every bit of music I obtain for the rest of my life.


dRchunkerton said...

this makes me wonder...does our pop culture trash make for entertainment this good when you remove it from it's context, i.e. do non-english speaking people find our terrible shit this amusing? i'm guessing no. this is incredible.

dRchunkerton said...

i've watched this easily a dozen times now and it never gets old. ever.

Herbert Frundle IV said...

yeah, i'm kind of dumbfounded. at first i thought it was cause it was way too late and i was way too sober for a friday.

now i know it's just badass. i think the triumvirate of preposterous dance dance moves en masse, horribly disposable musical production, and the newly appointed nonsensical lyrics somehow reverse the pull of the dark forces and purge forth from it the grand light of divine universal greatness. or something.

really i just wish i was Benny Lava and dancing with all those hairy armed indian chicks.

dRchunkerton said...

i've shown this to nearly a dozen people already to rave reviews...this shit is a bona-fide crowd pleaser.

lil wey wey said...

this is probably the greatest piece of pop music written in years, i think lil wayne might a lyrical challenge