Sunday, June 21, 2009


In lieu of a past/present post we have to dig up all the time, i've had a dormant blog for a while that could house the mediashare posts Lee has been so kind as to set up.

Danger Crew expansion son'n'n'n.


Directions for confused's after the bump...

make a folder of the album you'd like to share on your desktop.

right click and select "compress to XXXXXX.rar and email"

cancel when requested to email.

logged into the mediashare account, select upload files.

choose the .rar you just made. it looks like a stack of books.

press the green start upload bar.

press the BLUE "upload to new folder"

name it under "New Folder Name" and click Save and Continue

after it reaches 100% click MY FILES

find the one you made, to the right click SHARE

Select Embed in Website

Copy and paste "html code" into post for new album.

Not as hard as the number of steps make it seem. You'll figure it out.

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