Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good Dick

Jesus Christ!

I was not ready for what I just went through. A movie of this magnitude requires me to side step my usual format for something a little less cohesive.

I laughed, I felt disgusted, I felt content, I felt jealous, I put my hand over my face with my finger separated because I didn't want to see what was happening but I did. Yes, I went through a lot in an hour and a half.

This movie will get passed by many and may not win any awards but I think it was a joy to watch and definitely something that Danger will laugh at. The only thing I ask is that you go in with an open mind and enjoy yourself.

A while ago AV Club reviewed and rated Crank 2...they gave it an A-. That movie was insane. So much happened I didn't know what was going on half the time, it was ridiculous. But enjoyable nonetheless.

For that reason I am going to give Good Dick a:


Thursday, January 28, 2010

John C. Reilly's new joint

and if it's long the rest here.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Living on my Hard Drive, Vol 1

You've all been to my house, seen my car, KNOW that i am messy. My hard drive is similarly cluttered. On occasion, i tour it and see what i can find. This:

I have no idea why.

AC/DC & Iron Man

Wikipdia- AC/DC:Iron Man 2
As you guys know i a huge AC/DC fan. im even gay enough to have the shoes. Iron Man 2 soundtrack is made up of only AC/DC songs. this is really weird complication, its not a greatest hits cd M.I.A.= For those about to rock, you shook me all night, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, It's A Long Way To The Top. Some of the songs on it weren't even singles or fan favorites. Its a pretty good place to start for novices.
It's alot like Who Made Who soundtrack good album terrible movie, Stephen king movie about killer mac trucks. AC/DC have never put out a greatest hits album. they are in the only artist in top 15 best selling artist of all time to not do so. I don't get it. its not like their songs dont work together even with different singer, you know right away its AC/DC. any body got a guess of this? these days it really doesnt matter with playlists, which of course ive made many times for them. Oh yeah and this movie is gonna be kickass.

Gorillaz - Stylo (feat. Mos Def & Bobby Womack)


New Gorillaz i say yes please, click link for details

Monday, January 25, 2010

It's so close

and if it's long the rest here.

Life is one big surprise after another

and if it's long the rest here.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Viva Conan

The last Conan Tonight Show, it's worth the watch.

I'll agree with Rick- Conan is my hero. I stayed up to watch conan when i was 12 years old, and have thought the world of him ever since. Here's hoping he goes onto better things....

Friday, January 22, 2010

New 2 Me Raphael Saadiq

This came out in 2008, i missed it. the good news is its never to late to catch up. i think i remember Ferrel hyping it. he used to be in Tony! Toni! Toné! and their stuff is good to. but download The Way I See It smooth on the R&B tip

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Big Fan

This movie really hits close to home for obvious reasons. If I lived in New York my life would be the New York Yankees. I would go to every home game, probably even try to work at the stadium in some way. I mean each year in the last two years I've gone back to New York and have seen a game (we won both times). My time at the stadiums can be described as sublime. 50,000 Yankee fans. 50,000 people who think like me. 50,00 people who won't argue if I say we didn't buy the championship because players, the season is so unpredictable. 50,000 of my best friends that I've never met before in one place. What can be better?

So I can relate to Patton Oswolt's character in a lot of ways. Being a fan of a team goes so far beyond wearing the clothing and watching a game. Being a fan is a part of you, it makes you who you are. It's knowing the players, it's defending the team when a rival tries to bring them down. It's being proud of the history. Being a Big Fan is yelling at a TV commentator for putting your star player down because he had a bad night or because they are writing your guys off because they had a bad June. Being a Big Fan is exhausting and tedious. It's what I live for.

On to the review

Being reminded what it was like living with my mother. When the mom called Oswalt out about the issues in the trash, and the do-do stains on his undies I lost it. It was a great part in the movie but it's under the Bad section because it reminded me of my life when I lived at home. You know she walked in on me one time. It was a sad time in my life.

Pineapple does not belong on pizza.

Robert D Siegel - I loved The Wrestler. Great movie. And I'm not going to comment on his directorial debut but on the writing. There were a few parts in the movie that really ruined it for me.

First, I don't know a single person who would follow a car full of black people to the ghetto and then to a strip club and then approach them in said strip club. I don't care if it's my favorite player or a rapper I like or whoever, if he's black and with an entourage I'm staying away. Period. And I think any person would do the same. Right?

Second, sitting in the parking lot and watching the game. I'll get into this more below.

Fight Scene - Really bad. Really.

Argument between the mom and son about what life should be like, married with kids having a 9-5 job. I fight with myself all the time about how being single is bad and that I have to meet someone and blah blah. Because I've been conditioned my movies, TV, my parents that you have to follow some sort of line in life. High School, College, Job, Marriage, Kids. Not anymore. These days that life is a thing of the past and the only ones that hold on to that is the older people looking down on our generation. Making us think that we're wrong for our life choices. Do what makes you happy.

The ending when Oswalt goes into the Eagles bar and does that thing. That was great. I've actually had a nightmare where I was in Boston and was surrounded by Red Sox fans. Scariest shit ever. So I could never do anything like that but good for him.

I have to think more about this movie but off the top I really didn't like it that much. I mean a Big Fan would go to the game. It's like an addiction. You work to get your fix. If it was me I'd find a way in the stadium not just in the parking lot. That didn't work for me. Like I said, I'd be working in New Yankee Stadium in some way or another, I would never just sit in the parking lot.

Once again I'm going to be generous with my rating because I still liked the concept of the movie. I am going to watch it again.


The Hurt Locker

I love war movies. I love the routine that soldiers have to go through from keeping the peace to clearing rooms. I love the spontaneous sniper and trip wire. I love how civilians don't understand. I love that a nine year old can carry an AK-47. I love this stuff in movies only, real life is different. Shit is fucked up and scares the crap out of me.

For me there are two kinds of war movies. Saving Private Ryan, We Were Soldiers and Black Hawk Down. Action, drama and more action with a little more action on top. These movies rely more on the war part itself with little back story of say, saving a son after his brothers die or wives banding together to deliver bad news and so on. These are good movies but they are more highlights of war rather then the full game.

The other kind of movie started, for me, with Jarhead. A movie about war but with no real war in it. That's where The Hurt Locker comes in. It definitely is a step above Jarhead but it's in the same boat. Movies like this revolve around what it takes to be a soldier rather then just watching them fight. You don't just hand a kid a gun and watch him kill people with out repercussions. I want to see them cry, get mad and think about what they're doing. To me this feels more real.

I just want to say that I'm not taking away from any movie of real life war. But war has changed and modern day war is more about missiles and strategic strikes then throwing thousands of soldiers on a beach.

Jeremy Renner - This guy is awesome. I've seen a couple of his movies and he's good in them but watching The Unusuals (a TV show that was canceled last year) really made him stand out to me. He just has that charisma with that I don't give a fuck or have anything to live for attitude. It works for him.

William James (this is Jeremy Renner's character in the movie) - This is my favorite kind of character soldier. He reminded me of Jeremy Tindal. Crazy redneck, strong for his size with a soft side that he doesn't like people seeing. Right Rick?

Ending - Chucks I feel like you can relate to the ending more then anyone else because you've been there. When you do what Renner's character does, you are not ever going to be happy with a 9-5 job. Even being back in society, say at a grocery store, will be weird.

I think I've said enough. This is a good movie, the only bad thing for me was that I probably won't ever re-watch it and that's big in my decision making for a rating. Hopefully I've convinced you to see this because it is really good. I like all Danger can appreciate a well written, well acted movie about what it's really like to play in the sand.


Paranormal Activity

I don't think any Danger Crew will see this movie or even wants to see it but since it got so much press I wanted to throw my two cents in. And here it is - Do NOT see this movie.

Actors - Both the dude and chick were annoying. Luckily we didn't see much of the guy and the girl does have big boobs so it gave me something to look at but ultimately it wasn't enough. They bothered me so much that I wanted to kill myself just so I can go to there houses now and haunt the fuck out of them. Won't be just a movie for long suckers.

Length - Good lord I checked my watch every 10 minutes and it was only a 1.30 movie. GOD JUST KILL THEM ALREADY!!

Unbelievability - The thing with hand held camera movies is that it's suppose to make you think that it is real. That what you are watching is the one an only take. Blair Witch, [REC] both did a good job on this however, P.A. did not. It just seemed like the two actors just read a script and went along with what it said. I'm trying not to give anything away so that's all I'll say. I just think they went along with things too easily.

You think I'm dumb or something? Do you think that I constantly went to the bathroom? Or did you see me falling asleep? No? Then why the fuck did you re-show everything that just happened? I saw it the first time two minutes ago I don't need to re-watch everything we already saw. Damn!

They used the intense moments really well. One of the few things good about this movie is they took the set up to the original level. A scary movie is more then sex and blood. It's suppose to scare you Rob Zombie. The original Halloween used tension and build up to get you out of your seat not just throat slicing and blood smearing. If he would have capitalized on some of these moments (not Rob Zombie but Oren Peli)this would have been a great movie. I love scary movies and he would have gotten me a tone of times. But didn't. Sad face.

Ending - Both endings (there was an alternate) were good because I got what I wanted from them.

I'm being generous with my rating only because of the one good thing there was in the movie. Intensity at the beginning. They could have done so much more with it.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ladainian Tomlinson Buries the Super Bowl Suffle

In honor of the Chargers playing the Jets for thier division championship this sunday in San Diego, and for my friends who will be in town for that weekend, i give you the "LT Slide Electric Glide." One guess who's behind this, besides San Diego running back Ladainian Tomlinson.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Heard about the sequel on one of the top ten of the year lists and I wanted to check this out first one. To the point, it was good.

I'm really not a fan of hand held camera shot movies (Blair Witch, Cloverfield) but this one didn't bother me. By far my favorite.

Subtitles - Usually if I rent a movie with them I'm ready for some reading. The best part of this was that you couldn't take your eyes off the screen if you got scared because you wouldn't know what was going on. Pretty tricky.

Zombies - They are my fav.

The set up - The movie centers around the inside an apartment building. With only a certain amount of places to go/hide the tension builds.

Ending - I just liked it.

The Chick - She tended to overact on her screaming lines. If this was in English I have a feeling she would have been black. Yeah, I said it.

Middle - It dragged a bit. Unfortunate because the beginning and end was hippity hop.

Random Thought:
You're familiar with the term "side-boob" right? View a breast from the side. Self explanatory I know. But how well do you know the "boobs-in-a-shirt-and-pressed-against-something" view? My new favorite because you see enough while not seeing anything. I don't like giving out spoilers but there may or may not be one of those views at the end of the movie. ??



A lot of people are comparing it to the American made Quarantine which came out a year later. [REC] was a lot better

Saturday, January 2, 2010