Saturday, January 23, 2010

Viva Conan

The last Conan Tonight Show, it's worth the watch.

I'll agree with Rick- Conan is my hero. I stayed up to watch conan when i was 12 years old, and have thought the world of him ever since. Here's hoping he goes onto better things....


Rickles said...

Danger Crew representing for Team Coco

Herbert Frundle IV said...

Always thought people reminiscing about Carson was silly at best but think i get it better now.

Sure he'll be on in another capacity, but being pulled off the air at all emphasized that just the sheer fact he was there whether i was watching or not made me happy.

hope they don't botch whatever return he makes. definitely one of the biggest contributors to my sense of humor.

Joe Torre said...

Rick is gay

Danger Duck said...

I heard that nbc will retain the intellectual property rights to the sketches. But whatever, I mean "in the year 2000" was almost getting dated.
Don't be supprised if leno gets caught with the masturbating bear.