Monday, October 29, 2007

All in Your Area!

For Sociology class my group was giving the assignment of conducting a experiment. Usually experiments are boring things like watching plants grow. however, listen to this one. A personal space invasion test. My group went to the library picked out people. The criteria was they be sitting by themselves at a table. I thought this would be fun. It turns out violating social norms is nerve racking. we decided to get drunk first. After several drinks we came back to library and let the fun begin. This is a white rich school so it was really easy to punk people out. I'd pick out somebody with their books next to them and make em move the books so i could sit down. then play the music on the ipod so loud anyone in a ten foot radius can hear it. I also put my arm on their chair and looked over their shoulder. most people will just sit their and take it. Girls get much more freaked out. One guy told me to fuck off and wouldn't move his stuff. eventually most of the people were on to us so we had to dip. Next time your drunk sit closely to strangers and see what happens.


Danger Duck said...

well i'm off to the bar to expiriment! If we're lucky we'll have some bloody nose pics by tonight!

Rickles said...

i pretty sure pete originated the play music people don't like very loud and see what happens technique.

Danger Duck said...

that was only when I wanted people to get out of our house. Or when I just hated people that were in our house. bloodly nose tonight, just me and chris getting more wasted than ever before (that can't be right) and me giving advise to poeople......I thaink an mdgoen gcaol to ehthexcoanm threoasfeyyy wife and awdsomake some aweeffdd