Let me say that this idea was presented to me while watching a audio commentary track(Sad i Know). The one in question was Knocked Up. Anyway, Seth Rogen said "their is no comedy without self congratulations". This got me thinking, who doesn't think there funny? The dumbest motherfucker will swear that their hilarious. What u think is humorous is all a matter of taste. Can anybody tell a joke without thinking its the shit? Are you a cocksmoker for thinking your funny?
being funny and what is funny is a very tricky thing...but i think there is a certain amount of cocksmokery in being really funny, and yes, self-congradilations. however, really funny people are able to temper this with self depracation, humility, and restraint. i know that when i'm on a roll, a little voice in my head says, 'you ARE funny, but pull back a little, before you look like a dumbass.' this tends to be worse when i am high....
kudos, the problem is i usually dive head on into dumb ass territory. epically when I'm drunk. good lord, i know you've seen that!
that's the pulling back issue. telling jokes for yourself, out loud so other people affirm you are indeed funny. the ego boost, not so much intending to provide a service of entertainment for others, pretty selfish, and damn if we don't love it.
if you didn't know you were being funny, people would just be laughing at you, and then your bordering on jesse territory when he's off on his wilder tangents, as we all do at times.
the whole going too far when drunk aspect always works well, but it borders a fine line of thinking your funny when drunk but only hitting the mark occasionally, and people laughing AT you because of the miserable undertones.
i almost prefer this route, little more complex, and definitely not for everyone, which factors into the selfish, elitist area of what's funny. Ineveitably, someone always gets offended, which instead of laughter, lets you know you did your job.
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