Saturday, October 3, 2009


Mike Tyson has to be one of the most fascinating sports figures ever. How can a man be so powerful in the ring and be so weak outside of it. That’s the question the film takes head on. Hopefully, this film will interest you even if you hate boxing or Mike Tyson. The movie does not skip on any section of his life and what a life it’s been. It is an in-depth psychological study.

I am a fan of Mike Tyson. He’s no hero of mine but he is riveting to watch and listen to. Any time a Mike Tyson fight is on TV I watch it. I especially like the highlight reels where they show one after another. Combat sports interest me because of the mental toughness it takes to compete in them. Mike talks at length about what it takes to be a fighter. Even more interesting is what creates someone who would want to fight in the first place.

Most documentaries get a variety of opinions from many commentators to tell their story. Tyson has only interviews with the man himself. That may seem kind of one-sided but the reality of the film is quite different. It shows a man at war with himself. The filmmaker has said that he sees the movie as a self portrait. It feels like a long therapy session, which of course I loved. I think this film is essential viewing. This is one of my favorite movies of the year.


Joe Torre said...

Good review. I don't like Mike Tyson or really care that much for boxing but this seems interesting.


What do you mean by this statement?

"Combat sports interest me because of the mental toughness it takes to compete in them."

Morons do this. Adults that read on a third grade level do this. "Mental toughness"? Tyson is stupid. He gives people like Kimbo Slice a reason to live. If not for sports like these dumb folk would have nothing to dream for.


"Even more interesting is what creates someone who would want to fight in the first place."

Money, Fame, Desperation!

Herbert Frundle IV said...

watch the movie first v. i remember years ago seeing interviews where i was surprised at how intelligent and perceptive he came across after all the other dumb statements i'd seen come out of him, this flick only reveals more of that. he's got his limitations and impediments, but he's no dummy.

Rickles said...

the vaule of the movie is that it gives you an insight into a moronic sport